Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Марина Першина
Model: Мария |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Кристина Алиханова
Model: Софи |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Марина Першина
Model: Аким |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Кристина Алиханова
Model: Софи |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Екатерина Ефремова
Model: Мария |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Екатерина Ефремова
Model: Сергей |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Екатерина Ефремова
Model: Сергей |
Photo: Екатерина Ефремова
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Марина Першина
Model: Диана |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Марина Першина
Model: Дима |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Кристина Алиханова
Model: Тимоти |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Марина Першина
Model: Анфиса |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Кристина Алиханова
Model: Тимоти |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Кристина Алиханова
Model: Полина |
Photo, style by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Марина Першина
Model: Ангелина |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Кристина Алиханова
Model: Полина |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Марина Першина
Model: Дима |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Кристина Алиханова
Model: Полина |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Марина Першина
Model: Максим |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Кристина Алиханова
Model: Ксюша |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Кристина Алиханова
Model: Тоня |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Марина Першина
Model: Макар |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Кристина Алиханова
Model: Тоня |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Марина Першина
Model: Егор |
Photo, style by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Кристина Алиханова
Model: Анна Мария |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Кристина Алиханова
Model: Анна Мария |
Photo, style by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Кристина Алиханова
Model: Анна Мария |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Кристина Алиханова
Model: Анна Мария |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Кристина Алиханова
Model: Матвей |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Кристина Алиханова
Model: Матвей и Гера |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Кристина Алиханова
Model: Матвей и Гера |
Photo, style by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Кристина Алиханова
Model: Даяна |
Photo, style by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Кристина Алиханова
Model: Даяна |
Photo, style by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Кристина Алиханова
Model: Даяна |
Photo, style by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Кристина Алиханова
Model: Варвара |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Кристина Алиханова
Model: Данила |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Кристина Алиханова
Model: Ксюша Митрофанова |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Кристина Алиханова
Model: Ксюша Митрофанова |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Кристина Алиханова
Model: Ксюша Митрофанова |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Кристина Алиханова
Model: Джульетта |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Кристина Алиханова
Model: Джульетта |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Кристина Алиханова
Model: Джульетта |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Кристина Алиханова
Model: Джульетта |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Кристина Алиханова
Model: Алиса |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Кристина Алиханова
Model: Алиса |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Журнал: Растим Ребёнка
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Кристина Алиханова
Model: Валерия
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Кристина Алиханова
Model: Кристина |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Кристина Алиханова
Model: Кристина |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Кристина Алиханова
Model: Ксения |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Кристина Алиханова
Model: Ксения |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Кристина Алиханова
Model: Лизавета |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Кристина Алиханова
Model: Влада |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo by Gera Skandal
Designer Lena Litvinova
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo by Gera Skandal
Designer Lena Litvinova
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo by Gera Skandal
Designer Lena Litvinova
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo by Gera Skandal
Designer Lena Litvinova
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Кристина Алиханова
Model: Катя |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Кристина Алиханова
Model: Саша |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Hair, Make up & style by Гера Скандал
Photo: Кристина Алиханова
Model: Саша |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |
Photo, style and make up by Gera Skandal
https://vk.com/geraskandal |   |   |   |   |